Fresh is always better, always. It was difficult enough before the pandemic to get fresh, organic food, and it’s even more difficult now. Many people are working from home, and have kids to help get through distance learning - our diets and shopping habits have changed.
Farmer’s markets are a great source for these food items. It’s great to see all of the fresh organic food
products - veggies, cheeses - and many times buy them from the people that grow the food, and make the cheese.
But not everybody has a farmer’s market near them, and it’s a separate trip from the food market. And don’t forget there are many food deserts, with low/no accessibility to fresh produce.
We want to eat well, and we care about what we put in our family’s body. Food matters.
Yes, you can go to the supermarket and buy from the organic food isle, and pay the hefty price tag that comes with it. But fresh organic food should be available to everyone at prices we can afford. And it is!
This is why I love Wildkale I have been ordering from them for a while now, and their products are truly amazing. I use it in much of my cooking, including my weekly videos. Everything is organic, no spray, fresh from the farm. And the best part - it’s not just affordable, it’s cheaper than the supermarket.
I also love that the food you purchase from Wildkale comes directly from the farm, is packaged at the farm, and is shipped overnight. Your food is not sitting in a truck or an airplane for a thousand hours. All of the Wildkale products come from your local farms, directly to your door. All you have to do is place your order online and boom! It’s in your kitchen in no time, in sustainable packaging.
Some of the best cheese I've ever eaten I got from Valley Shepherd Creamery. I'm not embarrassed to say when my order arrived, I didn't arrange a cute and elaborate charcuterie board - I stood at the counter and just started eating. I used the fresh Chevre goat's cheese log in my Beet Pear Salad recipe, and the Tartufo Shepherd cheese with black truffles was OUTRAGEOUS. I will always order that. From Fresh Meadow Farm I got great produce that was unbelievably fresh, and also found purple basil, which I've never used - and it was fantastic. Both orders made my cooking a breeze, the flavors pop, and made me quite the happy cook!
In addition to receiving amazing food, you will be helping your community and your local farmers sustain their farms, and their livelihoods. This is especially important now during the pandemic, where many businesses are struggling because we cannot buy from them as much or in the same way we used to. But Wildkale can help us stay healthy, and bridge the gap between the farm and communities, without endangering your health. I buy from them, I use their products, I save money, and I couldn’t be happier with them or their great customer service.
So try Wildkale. I promise you they are worth every penny, and I don’t say that lightly. I very much believe in them and the work they do. They are an incredible company! And it makes the food I prepare better, while making me feel better about what I serve my family at mealtimes.
Go check them out now! All you have to do is click here to go directly to their website, enter your zip code, and it will tell you if they deliver in your area, and which farms you can order from.
It couldn't be easier- and you know I love easy-peasy!